Good News Bytes

The articles in this section were originally written as short leaflets to be given away. Consequently, there is no correct order in which to read them. Some were originally written as a series of two or three, but even these can be read independently.

The objective behind these short pieces is encourage people to think seriously about the message of Jesus Christ in a post-Christian, post-modern society. At a time when many people consider Christianity to be increasingly irrelevant if not a complete myth, there is a need to present the timeless truths about the Son of God in a way which is neither religious nor old-fashioned. Our hope is that amongst these pages, those who do not believe in Jesus Christ will find real food for thought - enough to provoke you to think seriously about the relevance of God's good news to their lives.

You can navigate through the different articles by using the list in the side bar. If you have been given one of our leaflets in the past, but cannot remember its name and would like to read it again, please click here to view a catalogue of front pages.

We also hope that Christians will find these articles helpful and will consider suggesting that their non-Christian friends take a look at some of them. As stated above, they were written originally as give-away leaflets, often called tracts. We have created a page which links to images of each flyer so you can see what they look like in print and provides information on how you could obtain copies of them.

Traditionally the Western symbol of Christianity is a cross, but His story does not end there. Three days later He was raised back to life and left the tomb in which He had been hastily laid. Whilst His unjust death met the need for justice, it was not until He received back His life that the effectiveness of that greatest sacrifice was demonstrated as complete. The image of an open and empty tomb is therefore a more powerful symbol of His victory than one which highlights His death. This is why we have included such an image in the header of these pages.

If you would like to read an in-depth introduction to the Christian faith please look at our Journey into New Life section.

If you wish to contact us with questions about the gospel of Jesus Christ please click here.

If there is no sidebar on the right please click here to go to the section home page.

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All written material in this section is copyright © Randall & Mary Hardy, 2015-16.