For such a time as this

Are you loved yet lonely still
And know not why it’s so?
You feel a void within your heart
A void which seems to grow?
Does life seem aimless, incomplete
Its purpose still eluding you?
Do you seek happiness in things
Which, when achieved, deluded you?
Then take a walk with me, my friend
Up to a lonely hill,
And you will see why you still pine
Your heart is empty still.
For on that hill there stands a cross
Where a dear Saviour died.
He gave His all for all mankind
We had Him crucified.
We would not see the love
He came on earth to demonstrate,
We closed our eyes and shut our ears
Until it was too late.
But God is good and in His plan
Jesus rose again -
In glory - to reveal to all
The truth for which He came.
And if we come to Him this day
Acknowledging the part
We played in putting Him to death -
The sin within our heart,
He’ll grant us true forgiveness
A new heart we will receive.
Our loneliness will vanish
If, by faith, we will believe.

You may have heard or read of people having an encounter with God which changed their life, turned things around, made them a different person, call it what you will.

How did you react? Sceptical? Only happens to other people? You can’t be serious! Not these days...

Well actually, those of us who give out leaflets like this one would like you to know that the God of the Bible is alive and well. He does speak to people today. He does have something worthwhile to say. He does change lives. He is real and He can be trusted.

Just in case you’re one of those who thinks that could never be the case in the twenty-first century, the poem above was written nearly 40 years ago by an ordinary person. She is still of the same mind today.

Science tells us to verify things, to put them to the test. But how can you do that with other people’s experiences? Being sure for yourself is not a question of finding the right formula. No, it’s a question of approaching God with a suitable attitude yourself.

Have a look at the lists below. Ask yourself which of the two indicate a fitting way to approach the King of the Universe:

  • Thinking I know all there is to know

  • Blaming everything or everyone else for things that went wrong

  • Thinking God is irrelevant to the world today, or to my life

  • Thinking I am doing God a favour by even considering the fact that He might exist

  • Acknowledging that God is in charge

  • Taking responsibility for the way my life has gone

  • Being willing to acknowledge my own foolishness/ignorance

  • Appreciating what God has done so that my relationship with Him could be restored

You could sum up those attitudes by the headings self-confident or humble. The God of the Bible has made it known repeatedly that He is more than willing to be found by those who seek for Him with a humble heart.

Life is not going to get any better without Him.

You are missing out on the very thing you were created for. Besides that, we shall all be accountable to Him at the end for the way we have conducted our lives.

His arms are outstretched in your direction. What more are you waiting for?

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All written material in this section is copyright © Randall & Mary Hardy, 2016.